These fun SOOF activities for kids (of all ages) are free and available for download! Click the button below each activity to download and print out the page – but maybe check with your parent or guardian first!

Original Artwork: Deb Kuzyk
Colour Page Design: Garth Laidlaw
Artwork: Connie Lowe-Parker
Created using
Artwork: Connie Lowe-Parker
Artwork: Connie Lowe-Parker
Artwork: Connie Lowe-Parker

SOOF would love to showcase YOUR artwork in our online gallery! Please ask your parent or guardian to take a photo of your finished piece and send it to

Did you know that the bird in the SOOF logo is the Blackburnian warbler?

  • They need old forests to breed and spend most of their time at the top of the trees
  • This small colourful song bird flies all the way from Nova Scotia (Mi’kma’ki) to Central and South America to spend the winter
  • They were named after English botanist Anna Blackburne
  • The population of Blackburnian warblers in the Martimes has declined by 70% since 1985