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We need your help! Sending letters to the Premier and Ministers will help them understand just how many citizens in Nova Scotia care about old forests and want to see the Government of Nova Scotia follow through on its commitment to protect 20% by 2030.


  1. Use the template as a starting point and rewrite in your own words as you see fit.  
  2. Save a copy of the letter as a PDF and send it as an attachment in the email
  3. Come up with your own Subject Line.  If everyone uses the same one there is a greater chance that your letter will end up marked as SPAM.   Speaking of which… 
  4. Please BCC the email so we can keep track of how many letters have been sent.

High Production Forestry Template 1: Letter to Premier Houston outlining concerns about putting High Production Forestry first before identifying areas to be protected

On Hold Status at Goldsmith: Letter to Minister Rushton asking about the status of the holds on harvest plans around Goldsmith Lake Wilderness Area