SOOF @ the Deanery Project

The Deanery Project 751 Ship Harbour Road, Lake Charlotte, Nova Scotia, Canada

Join SOOF’s Nina Newington at The Deanery Project’s Open House on Sunday May 5 to hear about the SOOF campaign!  Nina will be talking about the Save Our Old Forests campaign from 10:30 to noon and then there will be live music (with coffee, tea and cookies!) from 1:00 – 3:00pm!    

Protection of Nova Scotia’s Forests as Defence against Fire and Climate Change

Chester United Baptist Church 84 King Street, Chester, Nova Scotia, Canada

Join the Healthy Forest Coalition’s Mike Lancaster on Monday May 13 (7pm-8:15pm) at the Chester United Baptist Church for a presentation on the benefits of protecting Nova Scotia’s forests as defence against fire and climate change. The 45 minute presentation will be followed by time for a Q&A. Tea and coffee provided. Free admission, donations […]

Spreading Spores!—An evening of fungi, lichens, and Haeweon’s going-away party

Centrelea Community Hall 3495 Highway 201, Centrelea, Nova Scotia, Canada

  Haeweon Yi, a friend of SOOF, is returning to England to complete her performance research on fungi and human relationships after a year of fieldwork in Mi’kma’ki. You may have seen her filming, performing, camping, exploring the forests, or making something fun with young people. She is hosting this special evening to thank the […]

Fungi, Lichens & Citizen Scientists – A film by Haeweon Yi

Limited Online Screening: Friday October 18 (10am) to Sunday October 27 (7pm) Available: For a limited time only Save Our Old Forests will be streaming Fungi, Lichens & Citizen Scientists on our YouTube Channel! This short film by Haeweon Yi captures the work Citizen Scientists have been doing to protect the Goldsmith Lake Wilderness […]

Annapolis Royal Climate Fair

The Academy 590 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Town of Annapolis Royal is hosting a Climate Fair on November 2 at The Academy and Save Our Old Forests (SOOF) will be there. There will be lots of exhibits, workshops and presentations, so be sure to stop by and say hello to the SOOF volunteers. We’d love to chat with you about Goldsmith […]

SOOF Soup Sunday – Featuring Nina Newington

Centrelea Community Hall 3495 Highway 201, Centrelea, Nova Scotia, Canada

Join Save Our Old Forests for a free lunch of delicious soup and bread, followed by a conversation with Nina Newington talking about the difference between OLD and OLD GROWTH forests! This is a free event, but a free will donation to the Hall is appreciated. We would appreciate if you could send an email […]