What is your relationship to the forest? Is it a place to walk and calm your spirit? An endless source of paper? Do the trees warm your fireplace? What does it mean for the forest to be your backyard, your neighbour, your friend?

Moving A Forest is an interactive game-theatre about the forests. It explores themes of sustainable balance and ‘resource’ management amid the climate crisis. Spanning conversations from South Korea and Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia), this interactive experience asks us to reimagine our relationship with the Wabanaki Forest.

This performance asks audience members to interact and participate in the story, always in a manner within their comfort level. 
Recommended for Ages 10+

Wednesday, July 24th
7:30pm – 9:30pm
King’s Theatre
209 St. George Street
Annapolis Royal

Thursday, July 25th
7:30pm – 9:30pm
Ross Creek Annex
2182 Sheffield Road

Friday, July 26th
7:30pm – 9:30pm
All Nations Church
2535 Robie Street

*All venues are fully wheelchair accessible (washrooms, amenities and stage)

Pay What You Can (PWYC) cash or e-transfer at the venue:
All proceeds will go to Save Our Old Forests and Blomidon Naturalists Society, in support of their proposed new wilderness areas: Goldsmith Lake (Annapolis County) and Chain Lakes (Kings County).

For more information contact bloomingludus@gmail.com or visit www.bloomingludus.com

Booking Link: https://forms.gle/PNsqbMxwLYwbQZVr5

Moving a Forest, created by Borahm Kim, is an audience-engaging game-theater play about the forest. It explores themes of sustainable balance and “resource” management amid the ecological crisis. Spanning conversations from South Korea and Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia), this interactive experience asks us to reimagine our relationship with the Wabanaki Forest. 

In October of 2023 we (Blooming Ludus) hosted Borahm for a research and development phase, taking her previous versions of Moving a Forest and adapting them for a Canadian context.  We would like to thank our community partner, Save Our Old Forests (SOOF) Association, for their time and support. Getting to know the forest more and connecting with the current forestry context has been essential to discovering how we are in relationship with trees across our cultures. In November 2023 we hosted a work-in-progress sharing created by Borahm Kim  and Blooming Ludus in Halifax at Bus Stop Theatre and in Annapolis Royal at the Artsplace Gallery.  Now we present to you the expanded work!

Previous versions of Moving a Forest have been adapted and presented at the Seoul Performing Arts Festival, ARKO Art Center in Seoul and the LUX Gallery in Sweden.  The piece has gone through four** versions so far in total, taking the form of board game, installation and interactive game-theatre.  In its first version participants play as four characters: a scientist, a politician, an entrepreneur and an NGO leader that help to move a forest being threatened by climate change. In the most recent South Korean version, participants play as novice researchers at the ‘Future Forest Environment Research Centre’.  You can find out more about Borahm’s work and her company Untitled Road Here

Our collaboration unites voices from Borahm’s home in South Korea with stories and research from Mi’kma’ki(Nova Scotia). The forest is present in all of our lives, if we are curious enough to listen. Thank you to everyone who joined us for our work in progress and we hope to see you at the show!